Feb 16, 2016 | About
The Biondo Group HOTfile, where last minute client packaging design changes get...
Feb 11, 2016 | About
In the design world everyone focuses on the designers. Not a lot of glory or attention is foisted upon the folks in Production who insure that the work the “creative types” produce can indeed be reproduced. This is silly, we know that a lot of the...
Feb 1, 2016 | About
This is the second in a series of conversations with Charles Biondo. How old were you when you had your first paying job? Fourteen. What was it? Maintenance & stock clerk at a Safeway supermarket in The Bronx (NYC). When a kid turns 13, maybe 14 years old he...
Jan 14, 2016 | News
The Biondo Group’s work necessitates we live in Supermarkets and we travel a lot. When it comes to the supermarket environment we are passionate, and love when a shoppers life is made easier. Same holds true for airports, anything that makes our lives easier is...
Jan 12, 2016 | News
Fast Company wrote an article on their Co.Designblog on how McDonald’s leveraged a team design approach in developing their newly launched expression of their brand. After reading this article, what is your POV regarding “multi-team” design processes? Not the New...
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