As the 2020 Indigo Design Awards Digital Book rolls out this week, The Biondo Group is proud three winning package design projects are featured:
Silver: B&G Foods – Back-To-Nature® Revolutionary Redesign
Bronze: Sprout Foods – Organic Two Peas in a Pod® – New Sub-brand Design
Bronze: Country Life – Gut Connection™ New Sub-brand Creation
A special thanks to our client partners who inspire our team!

The B&G Foods team chose The Biondo Group to contemporize the iconic Back to Nature® brand visual image with a revolutionary package design system. The design language conveys the brand’s promise, “Simply Delicious, Simply Good”. The Back to Nature® story is all about simplicity – so the redesign called for a clean, minimalist approach, which is also most effective for online retail. The eye is pulled first to the fresh, updated logo (the leaf is maintained) and then to delicious-looking food photography, maximizing appetite appeal. Also, a “stamp of approval” was created to showcase the brand’s promise and organize the BFY attributes. With 4 product lines and over 50 flavor varieties, differentiation is achieved through clear, but more subtle color-coding, which delivers an effective Back to Nature® brand block at retail.

Bronze: Sprout Foods – Organic Two Peas in a Pod®
The Sprout Foods team selected The Biondo Group to create vibrant packaging with wide age appeal. The simple, clear designs and quality food photography highlight the brand’s veggie attributes; this approach is effective in traditional, club and on-line channels. Organic Two Peas in a Pod are flavorful, crunchy puffed munchies made with 3g of plant powered protein (from chickpeas and lentils); the line includes two flavors – Aged White Cheddar and Sour Cream Onion.

Bronze: Country Life – Gut Connection™
The Country Life® team partnered with The Biondo Group to create a package design system for the launch of Gut Connection™ – a revolutionary range of supplements in the emerging prebiotic category. The packaging communicates this new brand’s compelling research-based story as well as its unique benefits. The products leverage the latest scientific findings which connect the gut and its microbiome to individual aspects of health. The line consists of 8 varieties, each one offering a separate health solution (i.e. weight management, improved mood and mental clarity).